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Chapter - 6

Damian is a lying bastard! 

I awoke the next day to my alarm. I slammed my hand down on the clock to stop it and rolled over, only to come face to face with Riley. He still slept. He was a heavy sleeper when he wanted to be. He must have stayed in my bed last night to comfort me.

I smiled; I could always count on my big brother.

I shook him awake. “Hey, Riley, wake up yah big lug.” I said.

He groaned and opened one eye, but that one eye stared grumpily at me. “Can’t you see I’m soaking up some rays of Vitamin S?” he asked me.

I smiled and sat up. “What the hell is Vitamin S?” I asked.

“Vitamin Sleep, of course.” He said.

I rolled my eyes. “Well go soak up some rays of Vitamin S in your room. I have to get ready for school.” I said.

He sighed and rolled out of bed, literally. I don’t think he noticed how close to the edge he was. I laughed. “So much for wolf senses, huh?” I said as he groaned.

He stood up and waved a hand at me in dismissal, trudging out of my room. I rolled my eyes and looked over at my closet, yelping as I realized Damian stood leaning against the door with his arms crossed. “Damian! What are you doing in here?” I hissed.

“I came to see you. Obviously.” He said.

I got up and grabbed my hair tie, pulling my hair back into a messy ponytail. “Well you couldn’t have, I don’t know, knocked on the front door?” I glared at him.

“I wanted to see you last night, and I don’t think your parents would appreciate me visiting you at four in the morning.” He said.

I stared at him for a beat before saying a word. “Why would you do that?” I asked.

He pushed off of the door and walked over to me, pulling me into him pushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “Because I love you. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to comfort you. I just get angry, not at you, of course, but I take it out on you. I don’t want to take my anger out on you anymore; I promise I’ll never hurt you again.” He said softly.

I reached up on instinct and brushed my fingers through his soft, raven black hair, getting it out of his eyes. His eyes never wavered from mine as he stared down at me. “You love me?” I asked softly.

The corners of his lips turned up in a small smile. “Isn’t it weird? I wolf that loves his mate! It’s unheard of!” he teased, picking me up against his chest and nuzzling my neck.

I smiled a placed a soft kiss on his neck without realizing what I was doing. He let out a low growl of approval and trailed kisses down my neck, pulling my shirt down to reveal my shoulder. I was now thinking that a mate could be a very good thing. A knock came to the door, breaking us both apart. “uh y-yeah?” I called, taking a step away from Damian.

“Sweetheart, it’s your mother, you’re going to be late for school!” Oh God, school! I’m going to be the laughing stock of the year!

I sighed. “Yeah, don’t remind me.” I said.

Foregoing the shower, I ran into my closet and shut the door, not wanting Damian to see me undressing more than he already has. I slipped into some skinny jeans and a green tank top and ran out of the closet, grabbing my backpack.

“I’ll see you at school; please don’t just appear in my car again.” I said to Damian as I slipped on my green flats.

“No problem. My bike is around the corner.” He said.

I grabbed my phone and ran out of the room, and down the stairs, grabbing an apple to eat on the way. I threw my backpack in the front seat and jumped into the car, speeding away from the curb. I only had fifteen minutes to get there.

Ten minutes later I pulled into the parking lot. I took a deep breath and sighed. “I have to do this.” I whispered.

I got out of the car and grabbed my bag from the back seat. I didn’t see Trevor, which was a bad sign. I walked through the halls, ignoring the stares and whispers about me. I used the combination on my locker and put my books away, keeping the books that I needed. I closed the door and ignored Derik, who stood beside the locker.

“Cat. Please listen to me. I understand that you’re angry at me, but I couldn’t help it! Damian said that he knew you better than anyone, even Trevor! I thought I could trust him!” I stopped short at that.

That lying bastard! “He said what?” I whispered.

“He told me he knew you better than anyone.”

I turned to an empty locker and slammed my fist into it, leaving a dent. “I feel better now.” I said.

“Jeez. I’m glad I’m not that locker.” Derik said.

“Damian is a lying bastard. I can’t believe…he doesn’t know me at all!” I growled.

The warning bell rang and I walked in silence to science. I sat down at my desk and stared darkly at the desk. I sat with my forehead in my hand, drawing whatever came to mind on my notebook to keep me calm. Damian walked in just as Mrs. Laurence did, and sat down beside me.

“Hi, Cat.” He greeted.

I looked up at him. “Hi.” I said bluntly.

His eyes turned confused and he tilted his head slightly. “Alright, what did I do this time?” he sighed.

“Nothing that I want to discuss here.” In fact, I didn’t want to “discuss” it, at all! I wanted to rip his head off and use it as a bowling ball!

I looked down and realized I’d drawn a very detailed picture of Damian and I doing very intimate things.

I blushed and crumpled the page before he could see it, I was still very angry at him…wasn’t I?

‘No, you aren’t, he was only trying to learn something about us.’ Lorry commented.

‘Well he should have asked us! I wasn’t ready to tell anyone that yet!’ I thought back.

I heard her mental sigh, but she didn’t answer; she knew I was right; he should have come to us.

She was right about one thing, his potent, yummy scent was making it hard to stay angry at him. My hand unconsciously slipped into his under the desk and he glanced at me. I kept my eyes away from Damian, I was still going to talk about this to him, but part of my body was in control, I couldn’t remove my hand from his warm and soft one.

I cursed my stupid instincts to the ground, trying to gain the control to take my hand from Damian’s. I wondered if he felt my inner turmoil as well.

Before I knew what was happening, the bell rang, and I released my hand from Damian’s, grabbing my bag and striding from the room.

Authors note;

Wow! A lot of chapters! Please tell me what you think! I'll be updating as much as I can! Friend me if you'd like me to update you. 

